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Madigan Jane Cotterill is a Toronto-based journalist and photographer, currently working as the digital content editor for Canadian Geographic and Canadian Geographic Travel.

As a visual storyteller, Madigan aims to create awareness and understanding about environmental issues and the positive efforts being made to help save the planet. 


Madigan graduated from the Master of Journalism program at Toronto Metropolitan University as well as the Bachelor of Arts program from the University of Guelph with a specialization in photography. Madigan began her career as a journalist in 2018—traveling the world and working to capture the “untold stories” of people and the planet. 


Madigan’s work has appeared in Canadian Geographic, Canadian Geographic Travel, the Ontarion, The Ryersonian, Toronto Life, and the Review of Journalism. With a strong interest in the environment and the climate crisis, Madigan’s work addresses issues and stories about wildlife, conservation, travel, and environmental success stories. When Madigan is not writing or on an adventure, you can find her wandering Toronto's Don Valley Trails or reading with her maine coon cat, Grizzly. 




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